Sunday, October 24, 2010

Letter from Silvia Guerini (Italy)

Message for the animal and earth liberation meeting – 10-11-12 September 2010 (ITALY)
Much to my regret, I can not be present at these three so important days, at the first meeting of animal and earth liberation.
But I’m there with you, with my thought and my heart.
I send you this message and a big hug.
We are constantly bombarded by an infinity of toxic substances, released in the air “in the soil” in the rivers and in the seas.
We are submerged by industrial and technological poison. Biotechnologies and technologies are going to identify themselves into the whole fabric of society.
We are intoxicated, esteemed and guinea-pigs or spare parts.
We are violated in our bodies’ depth… into the alienation of a world of electric circuits.
Every day, right at this moment, one part of the amazonian forest is being destroyed forever. Animals and plant species, that we don’t know the existence of, are being extinguished. Because of the complicated links of the environmental balance many other species are going to be made extinct.
The consequences of destroying the ecosystem and her biodiversity, of exploiting the planet’s resources, of the climate changes will be such terrible and irreversible for the entire planet that we can not consider those consequences as secondary problem.
We can not consider as a secondary issue also the importance of radical-ecological struggle, in order to contrast this system based upon the advance of the scientific progress and technological environment.
Those corporations, whom have their bases and research institutes in our own countries, they’re expanding their power and projects in an underhand way.
They show instead, in the south of the world, their face of death. It’s a survival question for the farmers, despoiled of their knowledges and forced by Monsanto corporation to buy and plant genetically modified sterile seeds.
In the forest it’s a survival issue for the last tribes: their forests are disappearing; and this means a profitable business deal for the soy plantations and biofuel development.
Not reacting means death.
These people are resisting with arms against the corporations and the advance of civilization, their resistance is our resistance. All of us are parts of the same struggle. The animal and earth liberation’s movements are parts of the same path; they cannot be considered two different things.
All the beings are joined each other by the same thread of exploitation. The anthropocentric paradigm of the system make a thing of every living being turning it into goods, flesh for slaughter, exploitable resources, organs for dissecting: a malleable and modifiable pile of cells, genes or atoms.
The system’s different forms of oppression merge and permeate one into another, forming a net of links and relations. Taking out a single issue from this net means losing contact with reality and misunderstanding the development of power. We have got to ask ourselves what we are opposing, we must recognize the need to unite the different battles for liberation, never losing that tension that put us against the whole of society, that doesn’t let us feel satisfied, that never let us hide behind words
Let’s turn words in action!!!!!
“To protest means that there is something we do not like, to resist means we’ll no longer let what we do not like happen again” Ulrike Meinhof
To resist is seeing the enemy, making him visible in front of our rage, making real our feelings and our thought. Only joining in a single front the animal and radical green movements will be able to face the complexity of dominion, with a fight going deeper then the surface, in order to break up exploitation totally. We could say that the path taken is easy and we’ll never do mistakes and we’ll obtain many victories. In this way probably we’ll approach more activists, but without being ready to face the first difficulties the entire movement may collapse. To avoid this situation we must be aware that the road is long and terrible, full of obstacles that sometimes will appear to be insurmountable. We’ll make mistakes, we’ll suffer defeats, some of us will quit resisting and we will also face repression, but despite everything, despite the context around us which appears to be increasingly bleak and although it’s difficult to transmit our message, we must ask ourselves.: if you don’t start to fight, who will? If we don’t start now to fight, when? If we’ll wait, if you will wait, it will be too
In front of the scenery surrounding us, if we’ll be taken by the impotence and feeling of discouragement, we must not stop to these feelings, but turn them into consciousness and strength.
In our mind it’s spinning around the question “what can we do? What is it possible to do against all of this??”. For an answer, it’s enough to start reversing the route decided by the system and stop that course of events, that the powerful people want us to believe ineluctable. Every one essential, a single person can make the difference, a single person can open a cage. And it won’t be, ever and never, a too high price to pay for saving a life. Many individuals together, they can become a stick between the
gears of this system and they can attack it.
If all the persons, for the first time at this meeting (when it’ll be finished), will constantly engage themselves in a concrete way, new struggles may begin so on, the projects already existing will increase their strength and they’ll grow. All together we may develop an earth and animal liberation movement, strong and radical. A movement made by many souls and many more specific projects, but all of them united by the same visceral need to fight against exploiters and killers of all the Earth’s beings, for a struggle with the entire existence, without the fear of making mistakes because we’ll learn from them and we’ll rise up more conscious and strong, without the fear of repression because there are no more terrible cages then those where millions of animals are imprisoned and because in the prospective of a dying planet we must learn the courage of
risking our freedom.
Under the skin, that thrill that let us live until the last breath with closed fists and with the certainty that we will fight until the end. Let’s rise our eyes to the light of the stars and let’s conquer the sky!
To all the wild ones and to all that although behind the iron bars of a prison are remaining free.
Freedom for Costantino Ragusa, Luca Bernasconi, Marco Camenisch and for all revolutionary prisoners!!!!!
Silvia Guerini
Biel’s prison, Switzerland
July 2010
Previous Info
Soli-Website for Luca, Costas and Silvia

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Solidarity Poster for Polykarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Chrisohoidis (greece)

did anyone speak of a
“…A handful of capitalists
have organized a criminal gang
and have kidnapped the proletarians,
demanding for ransom
their labor force,
merchandising their human activity,
their time (which is turned into money),
their own being itself…”
to vaggelis Chrisohoidis and Polykarpos Georgiadis
who the persecuting authorities, exactly because they denied to betray values and people,
accuse them as participators in the kidnapping of industrialist Milonas
anarchists from Serres from north-greece

Anarchists solidarity protest outside Korydallos prison, the main prison in Athens, at the time of the change of the year. This protest happens every New Year's Eve for the past six years. This year more than 400 people took part in the protest that interacted with the prisoners inside through shouting mutual slogans and fireworks. The main slogan was "The passion for freedom is stronger that your prisons".
Watch live streaming video from agitprop at

A society that punishes/the condition of incarceration/the prison of the mind/the prison as punishment/the rage of the damned will sound on the ruins of prisons/those denying obedience and misery of our era even within its hellholes/will dance together on the ruins of every last prison/with the flame of rebellion avenging whatever creates prisons.

To the prisoners struggle already counting one dead and thousands in hunger strike across greece, we stand in solidarity and anger until the destruction of every last prison.



Keny Arkana - La Rage English Subtitles

1976 - 2000 Greek Anarchists Fight for Freedom

(December Riots in Greece)